Monday, August 24, 2015

Catastrophe and the Modern Woman

I spent a lazy Sunday afternoon this month marathoning the Amazon Prime series ‘Catastrophe’, and I can’t recommend it enough!  Written by the two leads (American actor/comic Rob Delaney and Irish actress/comic Sharon Horgan), it’s the story of a one-week stand between two 40-somethings that turns into a lifetime commitment when Horgan ends up accidentally pregnant. From there, the comedy turns into one of the most refreshingly honest and romantic (and hilarious) shows I’ve seen in ages.

I recommend it to anyone, but for women who have been told they should be able to “have it all” all by themselves, the show has a particular resonance. There’s one scene, mid-way through the 6-episode run, where Horgan is explaining to a friend and co-worker that she and Delaney have decided to get married. Her co-worker is shocked - it’s the 21st century! She doesn’t need to get married to raise a child! She can do it on her own! Horgan’s character laughs it off in the moment, but later in the episode she returns to her friend to say “No, you know what, I CAN’T do it on my own, and I don’t want to; he wants to help, and that’s wonderful.” And it doesn’t make her less-than, it doesn’t make her seem pathetic or sad or weak, it just makes her human.

There are a million other scenes in this show that made me laugh and cry and love it to bits, but that one made it golden.  Check it out:  

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